023 >>> „Park Kalikova“
year >>> 2006
type >>> mixed - use / dwelling + office
location >>> Kalikova ulice, Pilsen, CZ (EU)
client >>> Park Kalikova, a.s.
team >>> T. Král, J. Michálek, K. Tesařová, I. Šebová, E. Hajžmanová, J. Kotora, M. Petr / KB Král s.r.o.
cooperation >>> Jiří Štěpánek / KB Král s.r.o.
(my) position >>> team leader, with E. Hajžmanová
site area >>> 9 800 m2
date >>> 07 / 2006 - 01 / 2009 project for building permission
status >>> ongoing
Park Kalikova is composed of three urban houses. The space layout (distribution) of the objects is inspired by the position of the site area at the sharp boundary of the intensive city center and Mže River alluvial plain in the west part of the area. The concept encourages the tendency of “back to the City Centre” and brings by occupants requested elements of „living in greenery“.
© 2009 Tomáš Král